Ack! I haven't blogged in FOREVER! The darn holidays! So much to do in so little time!
Let me catch you up on a couple of things.....
I made two of these quilts (which I am calling Blitzen Trees) for a couple friends of mine for Christmas:7
Each of these two ladies was the recipient of one of these quilts just before the last day of school. |
I pieced the back from "A Merry Little Christmas" by Zoe Pearn for Riley Blake. I liked the line so much I also used it to make a whack-a-doodle of pillow cases for the kids I know. Okay. Confession. And one for me too. :)
The gigantic window in front of the quilt is shining through the quilt and making it see-through! |
I also decided to whip up (Ha! It's only "whipped" in comparison to the investment of time it took to make two twin sized quilts. Its funny how your perspective changes) a couple of table-runners for the fabulous Principal/Vice Principal people I work with. These used a fun line of Christmas fabric in non-traditional colours called "Aspen Frost".
Aren't these cute fabrics?!? |
So the "whip" part....SIX hours! It took me six hours to make each of these from fabric-cutting to binding. It's a sad state of affairs when whipping something up is a six hour investment. Maybe not bad all told but I felt like this view of my sewing machine is all I saw for the whole month of December:
Stacks of triangles. You know, to go with the other stacks of triangles I sewed....or trimmed. |
I got so busy trying to get these done before the last day of work before the holidays that I actually forgot to take pictures of them once they were finished. Whoops! Um...but here's a couple shots of the finished tops:
Pardon this one - it's kind of an epic panorama fail with my camera phone |
Okay, so then it was Christmas and I got a WHACK of quilty stuff for Christmas (thank you friends and family who must clearly love me). I think I might single-handedly be able to keep
Pink Castle Fabrics in business through their first quarter at least! And I got a subscription to this...thing...called
Quilty Box. Its a magical, secret box of stuff that will show up on my doorstep every month. I will definitely keep you posted on that.
....and then there was the fabric. Aweeeessssssooommmmeeeee! Pink Castle has a 30% off sale right before the holidays. Kind of their inventory clearance time. I kinda got me some deliciousness. I kinda didn't need it. I kinda didn't care.
Some pretty low-volume fabrics.....I needed them for my stash. Yup. Needed |
And this!!! Joel Dewberry's True Colors line - I really want Heather Bailey's too! These are amazing. Most of them are a take on some of the fabric patterns he made for his Aviary line which I am in LOVE with. |
This lovely teal/blue/green combo is my favourite from the line. I already separated it out from the others and put it with some other fabrics I want to use to make a quilt for me! |
And that was my holidays! Better late than never!
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