Anyone who knows me probably knows that I get REALLY excited about a couple of things when it comes to fabric: Amy Butler and Tula Pink. In fact Amy Butler was my first fabric obsession. A little Midwest Modern in the Ohio Sky colourway anyone? I have to admit though, my love affair with Amy has been waning over time. She used to be at the top of the pantheon when it came to fabric designers but since she has NEVER replied to my tweets and Tula has replied or retweeted Every. Single. Time. Amy has officially been usurped!
Tula's fabric is epic. I love that its a little bit cheeky and the colours are so vibrant!
Anyhoo, Tula has come out with a new book called "Tula Pink's City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blocks" and I was sooooo excited about it that I pre-ordered it over what feels like a million years ago and then waited impatiently for it to arrive. There was obsessive website checking and rechecking and refreshing and re-refreshing. Sigh.
It finally arrived!
I have already thumbed through the whole thing and decided on my favourites.
I'll post up a picture of the cover as soon as I get home tonight!
SOOOOOOO Excited!!!! |
I think you need to bring this with you to the next sewing day.