Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Daily Covet

Today, I have a headache and rather than sew, I kinda just want to flake out and stare at the t.v. without really paying attention.  So instead of sewing, I surf and plan and covet.  Here is where my mind is taking me today....

I have a sister who left for Germany today to interview for an Astro-Physics Ph. D. program.  Ya, I know.  She is almost SO smart, it makes your brain hurt to think about.  Anyhoo, she is obviously intrigued by all things space and exploration.  Thus, when I happened across the following beautiful fabric at Hawthorne Threads , my brain went bananas!

Then, I went on a blog hunt and happened across this sick pattern by Tula Pink :

Mind blown.  Must. Make. For. Sister.

Times like this seriously make me wish I was independently wealthy enough to do hobbies all day long.

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