Not one to be defeated by sewing mishaps (or my own subsequent temper tantrums for that matter), I got back on the FMQ-horse today. You know, after I consoled myself with maple flavoured coffee and a e-book this morning. I started by changing my needle and figured I'd give myself a real fresh start. I felt good. Then this:
I had one last option - the top thread on my machine was running low and the spool was gettting empty. I switched to a brand new one and then I was ready to go like gangbusters!
And look!!! Mission accomplished! I got the bindings sewed on and now I'm ready to watch the Oscars while I start to hand sew them down.
My aim is to get it done by Thursday so I can take it to my local guild meeting for show and tell.
Nice job! Can't wait to see it Thursday night.